Hi there, 

My name is Anca, and this is “The Tales of a Simple Girl,” the place where I share all my stories. I hope to inspire you to pursue your creativity and live a happy life in a simple way.

In July 2014, I created a blog where I shared all my DIYs, from jewellery to handmade bags made out of magazines, and all my stories about my travels because around the same time, I moved to Denmark.

I am Romanian, and in 2013, I decided to leave my country for many reasons, but mostly because I had a traumatic childhood. I wanted to escape and discover who I am, what I want, and what I have to do.

I started documenting my journey, and I managed to bring lots of people together, creating a beautiful community and forming amazing friendships.

Over time, as I’ve reviewed my blog posts, I’ve noticed that I’m most passionate about discussing five major topics:

Home Decor @whitegreenandgold
Bullet Journal @ancagvbulletjournal
Sewing @thetalesofasimplegirl

For each topic, I’ve created a dedicated Instagram account, with the desire that people can easily find the inspiration they need.

Of all these topics, I am happy to say that sewing is the biggest hobby in my life. I taught myself to sew when I was young. I acquired every piece of knowledge through practice, made mistakes, and ruined many fabrics, but I never stopped.

In March 2020, when the pandemic started, I shifted my focus to transforming the blog into an actual website, serving as a portfolio. This decision came about because my collection of handmade clothes was steadily growing, and each piece had a unique story that deserved to be shared.

Today, my focus is on telling stories about a bit of everything. I will strive to inspire everyone in the way I would have wanted to be inspired many years ago. I hope you will follow me, and together we can create a better universe.

With love, Anca GV


  1. Felicitări! În încercarea de a te regasi pe tine, ne încânți cu postările tale. Cât despre recenzia cărților nu pot decât să-ți mulțumesc pentru idei de lectură. Succes!


  2. Felicitari pentrul blogul asta minunat pe care l-ai creat. Îmi place tema blogului, pozele care le postezi,recenziile pe care le faci..Succes in continuare! Pupici!


    1. eu iti multumesc pentru cuvintele frumoase pe care mi le-ai spus si care au ajuns exact acolo unde trebuie, in inima 🙂 . E pur si simplu pasiune, pentru scris, pentru fotohgrafie si design web… multumesc!

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